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来源:University of TORONTO;发表于:2012-03-22;人气指数:826

Joint Communiqué of the BRICS Member States on Health
Geneva, May 22, 2012

. The BRICS countries represented by the Ministers of Health of Brazil, China and South Africa, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation and the Secretary of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India met on 22nd May, 2012 on the sidelines of the 65th session of the World Health Assembly in Geneva.
2. Recalled the Beijing Declaration of the first BRICS Health Ministers in 2011, emphasizing the importance and the need of technology transfer as a means to empower developing countries; the important role of generic medicines in the realization of the right to health and to establish priorities in research and development as well as cooperation among BRICS countries including support to transfer of technologies and innovation in a sustainable way to foster cooperation among BRICS countries to make available and improve technology.
3. Bound by the Delhi Declaration of BRICS Summit in 2012 which urged that meetings of BRICS Health Ministers be held in an institutionalized manner so that the countries of BRICS could jointly address common goals such as promoting innovation and universal access to health technologies including medicines, especially in the context of increasing costs and the growing burden of both communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and to encourage flow of knowledge amongst research institutions through joint projects, workshops and exchange of visits, particularly by young scientists in areas relating to pharmaceuticals and health.
4. Expressed their appreciation for the work of Dr. Margaret Chan during her first term as Director General of the World Health Organization. They supported the reelection of Dr. Chan, underlining their confidence in her leadership and in her capacity to guide the Organization through the new challenges in global health.
5. Exchanged views on the areas of cooperation in the health sector amongst BRICS countries and found it useful to share views in areas where cooperation would be beneficial to the people of the BRICS Member States as well as the world at large.
6. Reiterated their commitment to provide health care, particularly access to medicines for their people and to address the social determinants of health. They commended the outcomes of the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health, held in October 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, and expressed their support for the endorsement of the Rio Political Declaration by the World Health Assembly as well as for t

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