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    苏一凡  广东工业大学党委书记、研究员,中共广东省委候补委员
       Su Yifan Party Secretary of Guangdong University of Technology, Research Fellow
    张宇燕  中国新兴经济体研究会会长,中国世界经济学会会长,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所所长、研究员,中共十八大代表,中央政治局委员集体学习主讲人
       Zhang Yuyan   President of China Society of Emerging Economies;President of China Society of World Economics;Research Fellow, Director of Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; NPC member of the 18th CPC National Congress ;The Main Speaker of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Collective Learning
       Zhang Yuyan
    陈  新  广东工业大学校长,教授
       Chen Xin Professor, President of Guangdong University of Technology
    佟晓滨  中国国际文化交流中心常务副秘书长
       Tong Xiaobin  Standing Deputy Secretary-General of China International Culture Exchange Center
    郝志峰  广东工业大学副校长 ,教授
       Hao Zhifeng  Professor, Vice President of Guangdong University of Technology
    王廷惠  广东财经大学副校长,教授
       Wang Tinghui  Professor, Vice President of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics
    姚枝仲  中国新兴经济体研究会秘书长,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所所长助理、研究员
       Yao Zhizhong  Secretary-General of China Society of Emerging Economies ;Assistant Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics,CASS; Research Fellow
    曹  刚  天泽能源集团有限公司董事长
       Cao Gang   Chairman  of  Tin Chak Energy Group Limited.
    蔡春林  广东省新兴经济体研究会会长,广东工业大学金砖国家研究中心主任,教授
       Cai Chunlin  President of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society;Professor ,Director of Center for BRICS Studies,Guangdong University of Technology
    陈万灵  广东省新兴经济体研究会副会长兼秘书长,广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易研究中心主任,教授     Chen Wanling  Vice President and Secretary-General of Guangdong Emerging Economies
Society:Professor, Director of Research Center for International Trade and Economic,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
    谢冠华   广东工业大学党委宣传部部长
       Xie Guanhua  Minister of Propaganda Department ,Guangdong University of Technology
    戴青云   广东工业大学科技处处长  、教授
       Dai Qingyun  Professor ,Director of Science and Technology Department,Guangdong University
of Technology
    方玲玲   广东工业大学国际合作与交流处处长、教授
       Fang Lingling  Professor ,Director of International Exchange and Corporation
    张成科   广东工业大学经济与贸易学院院长、教授
       Zhang Chengke  Professor,Dean of School of Economics and Commerce
    赵  薇   中国国际文化交流中心副主任
       Zhao Wei  Deputy Director of China International Cultural Exchange Center
    谢卫红   广东工业大学人文社科处副处长、教授
       Xie Huihong Professor ,Deputy Director of Humanities and Social Sciences Department,Guangdong University of Technology
    黄晓凤   广东财经大学教授
       Huang Xiaofeng    Professor of Guangdong University of Finance & Economics
    易露霞   广东工业大学教授
       Yi Luxia  Professor of Guangdong University of Technology
    高维新   广东海洋大学教授
       Gao Weixin  Professor of Guangdong Ocean University
    徐秀军   中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所副研究员
       Xu Xiujun Deputy Research Fellow of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social
    黄荣斌   广东工业大学副教授
       Huang Rongbin Deputy Professor of Guangdong University of Technology
    谭蓉娟   广东工业大学副教授
       Tan Rongjuan  Deputy Professor of Guangdong University of Technology
    李景睿   广东工业大学副教授
       Li Jingrui  Deputy Professor of Guangdong University of Technology

China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference
& Emerging Economies Cooperation and Development Forum

        Theme : The New Opportunities of Emerging Economies Development and Guangdong Foreign Economic and Trade Cooperation
    时间:  2013年11月10-12
        Dates: November 10-12, 2013
    地点:  广州白云国际会议中心3号楼3
        Locations : Floor 3, Block 3, Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center
       China Society of Emerging Economies
       China International Culture Exchange Center
        Guangdong University of Technology
        战略支持单位Strategic Partner
        Research & Training Institute, Boao Forum for Asia
        协办单位 Co-sponsors
        School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology
        承办单位 Organizers
        Guangdong Emerging Economies
        Center for BRICS Studies, Guangdong University of Technology
         National Economics Research Center, Guangdong University of Finance